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Special Yarn

Unidirection low melting filament

Unidirection low melting filament


Air conditioning mesh processing technology

Step 1: double twist (the low melting point silk pour on the aluminum tube, put the double twisting machine for double twist. Generally 50 d plus 1000 twist, 75 d and 800 twist)

The second step: steam setting (2 hours to finalize the design, control the temperature of 80 ℃)

Step 3: warping, weaving

Step 4: hot finalize the design (as low melting silk will melt, and air conditioning mesh together)

Material: polyester

Melting point: 160-180 ℃

The conventional approach: using ordinary yarns mixed glue or fixed with melting point is 110 ℃ fixed low melting point fiber spun into yarn

The above two methods will appear dry uneven, made cloth uneven

Now use the sheath-core low melting filament can solve the above problem, environmental protection and the price is reasonable.

Another feature: the low melting point silk ?

(the red line mark is used in our production of 250 d low melting point polyester FDY such)

Note: finalize the design, if is the contact pressure molding machine, as long as about 135 ℃, finalize the design temperature can be fixed.

So don't worry about this hot wire melting point is too high.